We have always been interested in disseminating our research, results and perspectives, and translating them, accordingly, to make their scientific complexity accessible to different publics.
The deliberate choice to use a diverse array of documents and media platforms (scientific publications, book chapters, reports, professional magazines articles, invited national/international conference presentations and seminars, newspapers/radio/TV interviews and documentaries, public school and community outreach activities, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube videos, Wikipedia, etc.), both in English and French, has enabled us to reach varied targeted fields and audiences in Canada and beyond.
This has allowed us to spread the IMTA message widely with researchers, federal and provincial agencies, industry, professional associations, coastal and rural communities, First Nations, national and international environmental non-governmental organizations, and the general and school public.
It is interesting to note the evolution in the type of conferences we have attended: from seaweed-oriented to aquaculture-oriented scientific conferences to conferences attended by decision-makers and influencers (e.g. Bacon and Eggheads Breakfast on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Capitol Hill Ocean Week in Washington, the Monaco Blue Initiative under the auspices of H.S.H. Prince Albert II) to have the Blue Revolution/Economy mature into the greener Turquoise Revolution/Economy in Canada and beyond.
Below are some of the videos and audios produced over the years. Enjoy!
Television show (“Cooking seaweeds and sea scallops on the John Higgins Live Show”) with John Higgins, on CHCO TV, on May 24, 2020
Steve Backman, owner of Magellan Aqua Farms Inc., saving the world one superfood kelp straw at a time! August 15, 2019
A global perspective on Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture: IMTA is a concept, not a formula. May 9, 2019
Interview with Roger Gilbert, the publisher of International Aquafeed during the World Aquaculture Society conference in New Orleans, USA, March 7-11, 2019, on IAF TV, on March 26, 2019
Excerpt of Thierry Chopin’s presentation at the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok, Thailand. The famous YMCA/IMTA dance is included! December 1, 2018
Our Blue Planet: Aquaculture could be the future of foodIs the future of our food underwater?#OurBluePlanet w/ OceanX
Posted by BBC Earth on Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Television documentary (“Could marine aquaculture be the future of food production?”) in BBC Earth – Our Blue Planet, on BBC Television, on November 22, 2018
Television interview (“EMBRAPA Meio Norte realiza curso de aquicultura em Parnaíba”) on TV Costa Norte Parnaíba, on March 5, 2018
Video of the interview of Thierry Chopin regarding his opinion of the Marine Algae Culture course in Gran Canaria (Spain), his explanation of the IMTA concept, and his comments about the main constraints to the development and implementation of IMTA, on June 17, 2016
A scoop…! The IMTA song finally caught on video at the Marine Algae Culture course in Gran Canaria (Spain), on June 17, 2016
Video clip “One of Canada’s only Marine Biology programs” for the #OnlyHere | Marine Biology campaign at the University of New Brunswick, on December 1, 2015
Video (“Seafood Fusion – Festival International de Cuisine des Coquillages et des Algues”) by Michel Autret on Tébéo TV – Télévision Bretagne Ouest, on November 21-22, 2015
Video of the seminar of Thierry Chopin at Océanopolis, in Brest, France, on November 20, 2015
Video of the Canadian Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture Network (CIMTAN) Flume Workshop in March 2014, on July 15, 2015
Television interview of Sean Dunbar and Thierry Chopin (“Local brewery brews up kelp beer”) by Shelley Steeves, on Global News Evening News, on April 2, 2015
Video of Thierry Chopin taking the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge at low tide on the shore of the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Canada, on September 9, 2014
Video of the interview of Thierry Chopin by Sunyoung Jeong, of Korean TV, on April 17, 2014
Television documentary on Bleu, le magazine de la vie maritime of the Société Radio Canada, on
August 9, 2013
Television documentary (“Le saumon d’élevage de la Baie de Fundy, au Nouveau-Brunswick”) on L’Epicerie of the Société Radio Canada, on October 17, 2012
Television documentary (“Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick”) from “Canada over the Edge – Episode 7” on the eqhd and the Rogers HD Nature & Adventure television channels, on July 16, 2012 (segment on IMTA between 36:00 and 40:30)
Video (“Seaweeds – A part of everyday life”) on April 18, 2012
Television documentary (“Aquaculture réinventée”) on La Semaine Verte of the Société Radio Canada, on January 7, 2012
Video (“Celebrating Sustainable Seafood”) of the 2011 Ronald C. Baird Sea Grant Science Symposium “Developing the Rhode Island Seafood Knowledge Economy: Perspectives on Seafood Sustainability”, on June 26-28, 2011
Video (“Thierry’s vision – UNB celebration of spirit”) to celebrate the 225th anniversary of the University of New Brunswick, on November 4, 2010
Video (“Dr. Thierry Chopin – New Brunswick Innovation Foundation Honouree”) on March 18, 2010
Reaching different audiences through Motus O Dance Theatre’s rendition of IMTA, on October 16, 2009
Television documentary (“Un pas de plus vers une aquaculture durable au Nouveau-Brunswick”) on VIA TVA, on August 22, 2009 (segment between 9:02 and 14:44)
Videos (2 parts) of the 2008 Synergy Awards for Innovation of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, in August 2008
Television documentary (“Dangerous Catch”) from National Geographic’s “Strange Days on Planet Earth” series for PBS and its affiliates, in April 2008
Television documentary (“Le petit goémon”) on L’Epicerie of the Société Radio Canada, on July 4, 2007
Television documentary (“Le mariage vert: des saumons plus écologiques”) on La Semaine Verte of the Société Radio Canada, on March 18, 2007
Video “UNB – Making a significant difference” for CTV and CBC networks and their affiliates, in September 2005
Video from ScienCentral, Inc., for the ABC and NBC networks and their affiliates, in February 2005
Video of the IMTA AquaNet Project, in spring 2004 (English version)
Video of the IMTA AquaNet Project, in spring 2004 (version française)